Let’s begin with the best reason for you to obtain a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP). That’s an easy one: because in the state of Tennessee you can be arrested for carrying a firearm without a permit! But if you want a list of some other compelling reasons, keep reading.
1: Protection
As the world, America, and our neighborhoods are becoming increasingly dangerous, it’s becoming equally clear that your protection is your responsibility. The police and security are what can best be termed as “intermediaries.” Personal safety cannot be entrusted to others; it’s up to you to assume firsthand responsibility for your protection.
2: Increased Sense of Responsibility.
Carrying a firearm makes you a more responsible citizen. In order to legally carry a firearm, you must demonstrate a level of understanding about the laws regarding self-protection and the protection of others as well as the restrictions regarding when and where you can lawfully carry. You are charged with the responsibility of properly handling and guarding your firearm, and preparing and training for those situations in which it is proper and not proper to use it.
3: Readily Identify yourself As a Law-Abiding Citizen
Closely related to the Second reason, lawfully carrying a firearm demonstrates to law enforcement as well as others that you are already a responsible, law-abiding citizen. You have undergone a rigorous background check that ensures that your past behavior has been lawful and responsible in the eyes of the state and its lawmakers. Statistically, citizens who legally carry are more law abiding than even sworn law enforcement officers.
4: Enhanced Situational Awareness
Carrying a firearm makes you more sensitive to and aware of the situations you face on a day-to-day basis. With practice, such situational awareness makes you more observant to potential threats to you and your family and thus more apt to avoid or prevent them. When you carry a firearm, your tendency is to act in a more deliberate manner, if for no other reason than there are negative legal consequences for even revealing a firearm unless it is necessary.
5: You can protect others from violence
Under Tennessee law, not only are you able to protect yourself from imminent threats of death and serious bodily injury, that ability also extends to the protection of others from such dire threats. You can act to stop the victimization not only of yourself, but of others in order to save lives. In some very unfortunate mass shooting events, it has been the armed citizen who has intervened to save lives that would otherwise have been sacrificed while awaiting the response of law enforcement
6: Carrying a firearm can be empowering
This should not be misconstrued as providing a sense of superiority or granting of law enforcement powers. Rather, knowing you have the ability — man or woman, large or small, old or young, outnumbered or otherwise — to avoid becoming a victim and provide for your own protection can be empowering. Police response times can be inadequate to prevent immediate danger. Recent events have demonstrated that such a response may not be forthcoming at all.
Now that we’ve given you six great reasons to obtain a concealed carry permit, it’s time to take the first step to becoming a more responsible and aware citizen. Sign up for our online concealed carry permit course today.